
Director's Distinguished Visiting Scholars Seminar Series - General Seminar

On behalf of the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, we invite you to participate in our Director’s Distinguished Visiting Scholars Seminar Series.
This quarterly series will feature national and international visionaries in the field of science each year, and during each visit, we hope to engage in lively discussions on how the latest science advances are influencing new strategic approaches in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Each speaker for this series will partake in a general seminar, which will largely be directed to our medical professionals and scientists. In addition to this, we will organize smaller, interactive formats throughout the visit for students/trainees as well as members of our community to engage in conversation with the speakers. 
General Seminar
McGlothlin Medical Education Center Learning Theatre

RECOMMENDED AUDIENCE: Medical Professionals, Scientists, Students, Trainees, Post-docs, and Staff
You're invited to participate in the general seminar by our guest speaker entitled, "New Opportunities for Treatment and Prevention of Pancreatic Cancer."


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